Our production

The originality of tradition while respecting the ancient local recipes of Macerata. The search and recovery of forgotten fruits. An organic cultivation that guarantees the purity of the raw materials. A simple and natural processing method, in full respect for seasonal cycles, entirely made by hand throughout the entire production process.

These are jams, jellies, pickles, fruit sauces, condiments, made entirely by hand, through the use of simple tools, such as a vegetable mill of different sizes, and traditional cooking methods, such as boiling in an open pan. Furthermore, no use is made of chemical thickeners (jellies and jams without pectin, in oil without stabilizers or preservatives), nor of naturally extracted colourants; the greater or lesser consistency and density of the product is obtained exclusively through different cooking methods, while its freshness is preserved thanks to meticulous natural preservation techniques, respecting seasonal cycles.

All this is the SI.GI. agricultural company, which has brought back to life ancient recipes, processes and fruits such as Sapa, the Sour cherries in the sun (the only Italian production still in existence!), the Mulberry, the Brugnolette, the White figs.
Among the truly exclusive productions we mention the Visciola wine and, after eight years of experiments and tests, the Jujube wine, flavored wine-based drink, sweet, suitable for accompanying desserts. Golden yellow in color with very persistent aromas and flavors of ripe jujube, this drink is obtained from the fermentation of jujubes according to country culture, Giuggiolone is the ancient, true, natural jujube broth.

Vision, mission and business values

Our products are entirely handmade, only with the highest quality raw materials, with great attention to local ancient varieties and wild fruits that are disappearing from the market.

We use raw materials from our organic farm and from partner farms, working fresh from the products that nature offers us, respecting the seasonal cycles and allowing the fruit to reach the correct ripeness to preserve maximum flavor but also maximum properties.

Linked to the past, we look to the future with continuous investments in research and development to always find new ways of interpreting taste and to present the product in a modern and innovative way.

We safeguard biodiversity by passing down ancient flavors.

The origins of Agricola Si.Gi

The company was founded in October 1996 by the will of Silvano Buccolini and Giuliana Papa, his wife, hence the acronym SI.GI.
Silvano comes from the experience of a technician at the Institute. Agricultural technician from Macerata, he is a second level olive oil taster and expert in olive growing and Giuliana is a great enthusiast and custodian of ancient home recipes.

Together they decide to create the first laboratory to attempt the adventure of bringing products belonging to the family sector to the attention of the vast public, respecting the same processing techniques, methods, ingredients and then going on research over the years of ancient recipes, disappeared fruits and what was part of the historical tradition of the Marche culture.








The veteran


The resourceful


The youngest